Pakistan’s top investment body on Tuesday said it had finalized plans to resolve key issues related to the country’s economic sectors of agriculture...
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Berlin (22/10 – 75) UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, Fernand de Varennes, reported during his trip to the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region in...
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan said Friday that it would deport all undocumented immigrants, including 1.7 million Afghans, in a “phased and orderly” manner...
In a move marking an expansion of energy ties between the two countries, the Russian diplomatic mission in Islamabad confirmed the delivery of 100,000 metric...
ISLAMABAD — The United Nations agencies for migration and refugee protection Saturday jointly appealed to Pakistan to suspend plans to deport undocumented...
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Pakistan has received its first shipment of liquified petroleum gas from Russia, Moscow’s embassy in Islamabad said on Tuesday, marking Islamabad’s...