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TTP commander killed in Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD   –   A ringleader of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was reportedly killed in Afghanistan’s Kunar province, reports coming from the neighbouring country suggested.

The slain terrorist Abdul Manan alias Hakeemullah (Shura Member of ex-TTP Malakand) was killed in Chaghasarai, District Asadabad, Kunar, Afghanistan.

According to the reports, on 16 June 2024, prominent terrorist commander Abdul Manan was fatally injured as he remained actively involved in all sorts of terrorist activities including target killings, IED attacks, etc.

Abdul Manan was formerly associated with the TTP Malakand Shura and was recognized as an aide to TTP leader Azmatullah Mehsud alias Azmat Lala and Wali (Malakand). He oversaw terrorist activities in Bajaur and carried out various acts of violence including target killings, landmine explosions, checkpoint attacks, and extortions inside Pakistan. His death is seen as a significant setback for the TTP and underscores the internal conflicts among various armed TTP factions operating within Afghanistan. The killing also serves as a testament to the presence of TTP in Afghanistan. It also serves as evidence that Afghanistan soil is being used against Pakistan.

Abdul Manan joined TTP in 2007 and took part in several acts against the security forces and the people of Pakistan. In 2014, he was arrested in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan but after the Taliban takeover, he was set free along with many other terrorists. Abdul Manan’s brother Tariq alias Asad is also associated with the TTP and he is actively involved in terrorism activities.

The TTP, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar and Baloch terrorist organizations are the leading entities active for spreading terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan while there are havens of Afghan terrorists involved in attacking Pakistan, in Afghanistan’s Paktika, Kunar, Nooristan, and Khost provinces.    

Killing of such a high-profile TTP commander is a good omen for Pakistan. The state and people of Pakistan are committed to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

Source: The Nation
