Home » Mobs in Pakistan Burn Churches on Charges of Blasphemy, Hundreds of People are Arrested
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Mobs in Pakistan Burn Churches on Charges of Blasphemy, Hundreds of People are Arrested

Thousands of Muslims in a city in Pakistan burned down churches and damaged homes belonging to Christians after allegations emerged that two Christian men had desecrated the Koran, police said.

The attack took place in Jaranwala, in the eastern province of Punjab, Pakistan.

Police said about four churches had been burned down, while local residents said nearly 12 church-related buildings were damaged.

Usman Anwar, chief of police in Punjab province, said security forces had arrested more than 120 people for their involvement in the riots, who were identified through social media videos.

Anwar added that five cases had been brought to justice against hundreds of people who were allegedly responsible for the violence. The arrest of the perpetrators will continue after the identification process is complete.

Source : BBC
